Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s little girl Suhana is growing into a beautiful lady. A month ago Gauri Khan shared some pictures of her and daughter Suhana together from a party at Ardingly College in Sussex in which we have seen her in the most glamours avatar ever.
And, now again is slaying on social media. Her latest sun-kissed picture is just another addition to us. She opted to wear a pair of denim and a black tee.
Check out the picture of Suhana Khan here:
Well, Shahrukh Khan on his daughter’s Bollywood debut said, “Suhana wants to be an actress. I see that zeal in her. She’s extremely good on stage, I’ve seen her performances. She’s admittedly a cinema fan and wants to be in the industry. But my point is simple — you need to complete your education before doing anything. That’s the only thing I have told my children. Otherwise, they are free to be in the film industry, not be in it, and do whatever they like. I will be supportive of whatever they want to do.”
Well, with her recent picture, she proved that she has got it in her to be the most glamours actress of Bollywood.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is in the US and is shooting for the movie ‘Zero’. This movie is directed by Anand L Rai and it also has other stars like Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif, Abhay Deol and R Madhavan.
The film will be releasing during Christmas this year and that is 21st of December.
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