Love Love Is A Driver

"> Posted by:Zeshan

Love Is A Driver ?

Bitter And Fierce
If You Fight And
Resist Him,

Once You
Acknowledge His
Power . . .


Its d Month of
Proposals n Dates,
Chocolates n Gifts,
Hugs n LuvSongs

It?s feb..

Wishng u a Love filled
Valentine Month..!!


Love is like playing the piano.
First you must learn to
play by the rules,

then you must forget the
rules and lay from your heart.


Love looks not with
the eyes
with the mind
therefore is
winged cupid painted
blind ?


O my dear Valentine
Whats life ?
Life is love.
Whats love ?
Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ?
Come here and I show you.


My Heart To You Is Given,

Oh Dear, Do Give Yours To Me,

We?ll Lock Them Up Together
And Throw Away The Key ?


No poems no fancy words
I just want the world to know
that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
Happy Valentines Day.
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